SD-M GmbH - Globaler Pionier für standartisierte ESG-Integration
SD-M GmbH - Globaler Pionier für standartisierte ESG-Integration
SD-M GmbH - Globaler Pionier für standartisierte ESG-Integration

iBoxx SD-KPI Family

The SD-KPIndex family are SD-KPIndices with leading index providers such as S&P Global and STOXX.

The components of the conventional equity and corporate bond indices are overweighted or underweighted according to their SD-KPIntegration Score.

This results in a long-term financial outperformance effect.

iBoxx SD-KPI Indices Presentation
iBoxx SD-KPI Indices Presentation
Factsheet iSTOXX Europe 600 SD-KPI
iSTOXX Europe 600
TCBT VanEck - iBoxx EUR Corporates UCITS ETF
iBoxx EUR Corporates UCITS ETF

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