SD-M GmbH - Global pioneer for standardized ESG-Integration
SD-M GmbH - Global pioneer for standardized ESG-Integration
SD-M GmbH - Global pioneer for standardized ESG-Integration


S&P Global Whitepaper iBoxx SD-KPI EUR Corporates Indices
S&P Global Whitepaper iBoxx SD-KPI EUR
Corporates Indices

May 2023
SD-KPI Standard 2016-2021, with the support of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) and Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB)
SD-KPI Standard 2016-2021, with the support of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) and Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB)

September 2016
German government backs new investment grade corporate bonds index family
German government backs new investment grade corporate bonds index family

Responsible Investor - 11.2019
SD-KPI Standard 2010-2015
SD-KPI Standard 2010-2015

Sustainable Development Key Performance Indicators (SD-KPIs): Minimum reporting standard for relevant sustainability information in annual reports / management commentaries of 68 industries, on behalf of the German Federal Environment Ministry, Hanover 2015; order the coloured brochure for Euro 59.90; ISBN:978-3-00-030074-5. "" summarized the development of the SD-KPI Standard 2010-2015.
Public pension schemes and sustainable investments
Public pension schemes and sustainable investments

An empirical study with full survey and expert interviews by Dr Axel Hesse (SD-M®) with the support of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment and Allianz Global Investors, Muenster 2011; ISBN: 978-3-00-033736-9
German PDF
Press Allianz Global Investors
Public pension schemes and sustainable investments
Press release Allianz Global Investors

An empirical study with full survey and expert interviews by Dr Axel Hesse (SD-M®) with the support of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment and Allianz Global Investors
German PDF
What investors want - Sustainability in annual reports
What investors want

(German), ed. German Federal Environment Ministry, Berlin 2009
Occupational pensions and sustainable investments in Germany
Occupational pensions and sustainable investments in Germany

commissioned by Fortis Investments (ed.) and the Federal Environmental Ministry of Germany, Frankfurt, as at: December 2008. Article about the study in Investment & Pensions Europe (IPE)
Long-term and sustainable pension investments -  a study of leading European pension funds
Long-term and sustainable pension investments

a study of leading European pension funds, on behalf of ASSET4 (ed.) and the German Federal Environment Ministry, Zug 2008. Article about the study in Investment & Pensions Europe (IPE)
Best Practices for SD-KPIs
Best Practices bei SD-KPIs

Examples of good use of Sustainable Development Key Performance Indicators (SD-KPIs) in management reports 2006, a study for Deloitte, Duesseldorf, Munich 2008, Co-Autor: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Joerg Baetge
Sustainable investments in pension funds - international comparison
Sustainable investments in pension funds - international comparison

a study for Swisscanto, Bern, Zurich 2007
Climate Change Risk Reporting in the Annual Reports 2006
Climate Change Risk Reporting

in the Annual Reports 2006
Climate Change Risk Reporting in the Annual Reports 2007
Climate Change Risk Reporting

in the Annual Reports 2007 of the European Automobile Industry, Bonn, Berlin 2007/2008, contributions to the Climate Mainstreaming project in the financial sector.
Sustainable Development Management - Policy- and Business Area-Strategies for Banks
Sustainable Development Management
Policy- and Business Area-Strategies for Banks

PhD dissertation at HHL - Leipzig Graduate School of Management (Prof. Kirchgeorg, Marketing and Sustainability Management), Muenster 2007, 483 pages, German contents with english abstract, ISBN: 978-3-00-020531-6, price: 59.90 Euro, order by Email.
Big Six - The six most important global challenges for Sustainable Development in the 21st century
Big Six®
The six most important global challenges for Sustainable Development in the 21st century

Muenster 2006 (German with english abstract, figures and quotations, ISBN: 978-3-00-018924-1, price: 19.90 Euro).
Sustained added value. Information demand of investors and analysts for sector-specific
Sustained added value.

Information demand of investors and analysts for sector-specific "Sustainable Development Key Performance Indicators"SD-KPIs) in Management Commentaries (MCs) of German companies, a study for Deloitte and the German Federal Ministry of the Environment, Munich 2007
Added value, long term. Non-financial sustainability key performance indicators on their way into financial reports of German companies
Added value, long term.

Non-financial sustainability key performance indicators on their way into financial reports of German companies supported by Deloitte and the German Federal Ministry of the Environment, Munich 2006
Climate and corporations - Right answers or wrong questions
Climate and corporations

Right answers or wrong questions? - Carbon Disclosure Project data - Validation, analysis, improvements, Bonn, Berlin, Februar 2006
Integration of climate chances and risks into financial reporting
Integration of climate chances and risks into financial reporting

(German with English abstract and quotations), study for Germanwatch (editors), sponsored by German Ministry of the Environment, Berlin, Bonn, 2nd edition, November 2004.
Eurosif Pension Programme, Socially Responsible Investment Toolkit
Eurosif Pension Programme, Socially Responsible Investment Toolkit

Paris 2004 (Contributing Editor)
Leader "Sustainability" (German)

in: Oeko-Invest Nr. 268/02 on the occasion of the WSSD, introduction of the "Big Six®".
S&P Global Whitepaper iBoxx SD-KPI EUR Corporates Indices
S&P Global Whitepaper iBoxx SD-KPI EUR
Corporates Indices

May 2023
German government backs new investment grade corporate bonds index family
German government backs new investment grade corporate bonds index family

Responsible Investor - 11.2019
Public pension schemes and sustainable investments
Public pension schemes and sustainable investments

An empirical study with full survey and expert interviews by Dr Axel Hesse (SD-M®) with the support of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment and Allianz Global Investors, Muenster 2011; ISBN: 978-3-00-033736-9
German PDF
What investors want - Sustainability in annual reports
What investors want

(German), ed. German Federal Environment Ministry, Berlin 2009
Long-term and sustainable pension investments -  a study of leading European pension funds
Long-term and sustainable pension investments

a study of leading European pension funds, on behalf of ASSET4 (ed.) and the German Federal Environment Ministry, Zug 2008. Article about the study in Investment & Pensions Europe (IPE)
Sustainable investments in pension funds - international comparison
Sustainable investments in pension funds - international comparison

a study for Swisscanto, Bern, Zurich 2007
Climate Change Risk Reporting in the Annual Reports 2007
Climate Change Risk Reporting

in the Annual Reports 2007 of the European Automobile Industry, Bonn, Berlin 2007/2008, contributions to the Climate Mainstreaming project in the financial sector.
Big Six - The six most important global challenges for Sustainable Development in the 21st century
Big Six®
The six most important global challenges for Sustainable Development in the 21st century

Muenster 2006 (German with english abstract, figures and quotations, ISBN: 978-3-00-018924-1, price: 19.90 Euro).
Added value, long term. Non-financial sustainability key performance indicators on their way into financial reports of German companies
Added value, long term.

Non-financial sustainability key performance indicators on their way into financial reports of German companies supported by Deloitte and the German Federal Ministry of the Environment, Munich 2006
Integration of climate chances and risks into financial reporting
Integration of climate chances and risks into financial reporting

(German with English abstract and quotations), study for Germanwatch (editors), sponsored by German Ministry of the Environment, Berlin, Bonn, 2nd edition, November 2004.
Leader "Sustainability" (German)

in: Oeko-Invest Nr. 268/02 on the occasion of the WSSD, introduction of the "Big Six®".
SD-KPI Standard 2016-2021, with the support of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) and Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB)
SD-KPI Standard 2016-2021, with the support of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) and Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB)

September 2016
SD-KPI Standard 2010-2015
SD-KPI Standard 2010-2015

Sustainable Development Key Performance Indicators (SD-KPIs): Minimum reporting standard for relevant sustainability information in annual reports / management commentaries of 68 industries, on behalf of the German Federal Environment Ministry, Hanover 2015; order the coloured brochure for Euro 59.90; ISBN:978-3-00-030074-5. "" summarized the development of the SD-KPI Standard 2010-2015.
Press Allianz Global Investors
Public pension schemes and sustainable investments
Press release Allianz Global Investors

An empirical study with full survey and expert interviews by Dr Axel Hesse (SD-M®) with the support of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment and Allianz Global Investors
German PDF
Occupational pensions and sustainable investments in Germany
Occupational pensions and sustainable investments in Germany

commissioned by Fortis Investments (ed.) and the Federal Environmental Ministry of Germany, Frankfurt, as at: December 2008. Article about the study in Investment & Pensions Europe (IPE)
Best Practices for SD-KPIs
Best Practices bei SD-KPIs

Examples of good use of Sustainable Development Key Performance Indicators (SD-KPIs) in management reports 2006, a study for Deloitte, Duesseldorf, Munich 2008, Co-Autor: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Joerg Baetge
Climate Change Risk Reporting in the Annual Reports 2006
Climate Change Risk Reporting

in the Annual Reports 2006
Sustainable Development Management - Policy- and Business Area-Strategies for Banks
Sustainable Development Management
Policy- and Business Area-Strategies for Banks

PhD dissertation at HHL - Leipzig Graduate School of Management (Prof. Kirchgeorg, Marketing and Sustainability Management), Muenster 2007, 483 pages, German contents with english abstract, ISBN: 978-3-00-020531-6, price: 59.90 Euro, order by Email.
Sustained added value. Information demand of investors and analysts for sector-specific
Sustained added value.

Information demand of investors and analysts for sector-specific "Sustainable Development Key Performance Indicators"SD-KPIs) in Management Commentaries (MCs) of German companies, a study for Deloitte and the German Federal Ministry of the Environment, Munich 2007
Climate and corporations - Right answers or wrong questions
Climate and corporations

Right answers or wrong questions? - Carbon Disclosure Project data - Validation, analysis, improvements, Bonn, Berlin, Februar 2006
Eurosif Pension Programme, Socially Responsible Investment Toolkit
Eurosif Pension Programme, Socially Responsible Investment Toolkit

Paris 2004 (Contributing Editor)

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